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Boite: Spiaggia Verde - Cadin di Sotto
III-IV 4.65 km direct
Boite @ Cancia 34 cm @ 23:30
15 | 25 cm

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Paddled this at 18cm. For the first couple km had to portage twice due to fallen trees across the river. After the campsite had to portage 2 more times due to trees (one right before a wooden bridge). After the fourth time portaging, downstream looked like it had more trees across the river, so we hiked out early up the steep hill to the Jaegerhaus Agroturismo.

 #4482 • 20.07.2021 10:33 •
Pegel / Referenzniveau falsch?? Stehe hier bei ca. 15cms, Wasser etwas über Grasnarbe,aber das Referenzniveau sagt NW. Hat jemand genauere Infos? Auch zu den Bäumen?
 #3388 • 18.06.2019 17:17 •
Gefahr vorübergehend
Upper boîte it's packed of tree, no way of paddle that section this year, probably the same for the lower canyon, tons of tree.
 #3214 • 23.04.2019 15:30 •

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