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San Giovanni: Walk-in - Scareno
V+ 1.1 km direct

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We've run the walk in section on the 28.04.23 (and cleared out a couple of smaller trees). The Whole section is now runnable, with the exception of the must run combo drop right before the end!

It still has the same old tree right at the lip of the first drop thats been there for almost a decade. NO new trees though. The section is just as it used to be.
The first drop of the must run is still a mandatory rope around on the river left, right under the big rock. You can still put in on the very small shelf right below the rock (maybe have someone wait for the last guy in the eddy right across the river).

OR alternatively you can rope around (much slower!) all the way over the top of the bank on the river right. (The hillside is pretty sketchy too though. But just go slow and be considerate of your step and its fine. There are a couple of live trees to anker to too. Maybe not a good option in heavy rain if the hillside gets muddy and slippery.)

Thirdly (only for lower waterlevels though) there is a bolt and hanger right at the lip of the drop at the river right side, which you can walk towards in the river if you have some good shoes and balls of steel. From there you can step right onto the ledge of the drop and onto the tree and then easily climb over to the eddy below the drop on the river right.

But we definitely recommend to rope down under the rock on the left and then have the second to last person wait in the eddy across for the last guy to potentially throw a rope to the last person to ferry them over to the eddy, where you can definitely easily get in your boat.

For a bigger crew it should be also possible to deal with the tree once and for all and cut it apart. Just get in there early and bring a nice folding saw (tree is about 20-25cm thick) and lots of rope and gear.

as we were only two people, we left it for a bigger team to earn that glory :P

 #5202 • 08.05.2023 22:04 •
Bewertung WW-Grad
Zwei unfahrbare Stellen und eine Zwangspassage (WW V) nicht einsehbar
 #3156 • 07.03.2019 18:34 •

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