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Acheron: Bridge north of Vrisoula - Gliki
III 8.2 km direct

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Gefahr vorübergehend | 29.04.2019
About the trees, here are some pictures (water level: extremely low)

 #3242 • 06.05.2019 17:30 •
Mandatory portage is at the following coordinates: 39.332182, 20.636919
Portage river left.

 #3241 • 06.05.2019 17:28 •
Gefahr vorübergehend
After the portage in the next cataract there are two trees. You do not see them in the top of the cataract, it is possible to catch an eddy in front of the first tree by low water. With higher water level maybe it is possble to over the trees.
 #3202 • 16.04.2019 18:41 •

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