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Sarine / Saane: Montbovon - Broc
II-III (IV) 12.44 km direct
Sarine @ Broc, Château d'en bas 42.61 m³/s @ 08:10
7 | 15 .. 50 m³/s

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Resultate 1 - 2 von 2

Info | 40 m³/s | 16.04.2021
Pictures of the slide and the dam

 #4219 • 17.04.2021 16:01 •
Info | 8 m³/s | 11.04.2021
Sweet section class ll, with some class lll rapids.
There is just a strange rocky slide here 46.543043,7.075019 can be runnable on right only with a level up to 15m3/s. Left side is probably unrunnable or super trash. The rapid can be scout from the bridge and the portage is easy on the right side.

One kilometer after that there is a 2m dam. 46.558725,7.087275 easy to portage on the right side, but there is no good eddy. It's good to stop early enough with high water. The dam is runnable but it create a big towback by high water.

The Lessoc Powerstation (put in) give some water usually on the morning and the evening.

 #4217 • 17.04.2021 15:32 •

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