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Var: Gorges de Daluis (Guillaumes - Daluis)
III-IV 5.74 km direct

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All clear, was a little low but still runnable. Could take an eddy river right to scout the central rapid in the gorge. Ran it on 28-05-23 at 0.13 m (3 cumecs) as gauged on RiverApp. The Var gauge at Entrevaux was between 23-33 cumecs.

 #5271 • 29.05.2023 10:25 •
New powerstation just before the gorge and the relation gauge height-cumecs is not correct anymore.
paddled 2022/05/01. Water is diverted in Guillames and led back into the river at a small new powerstation just upstream of pont the Mariée. Description at the station says they take a max of 5 cumecs in Guillaumes.
The official Gauge at Villeneuve d'entraunes read 10 cm which should be approx. 7-9 cumecs. This is not correct anymore! probably due to flood in October 2020. Upstream of thenew powerstation there was approx. 1 cumecs in the river (far below minimum for the stretch from Guillaumes). The station added 1-2 cumecs which was low but runnable for the gorge, the stretch downstream towards Entrevaux was a scrape, killed some boats...
At 10 cm at Villeneuve d'entraunes, put in is at the new power station, there is a parking space just upstream of pont the Mariée where a small gravel road goes down to the power station.

 #4746 • 14.05.2022 11:00 •
Bewertung NW-MW-HW | 25.3.2016
Pegelangaben überprüfen: Minimal auf 16 setzen.

40 gemaess dem Pegel Entreveaux sicher zu hoch fuer Min.
 #1892 • 27.03.2016 18:16 •
Befahrbarkeit | 27.07.2012
Der Felssturz ist gesprengt worden, Stand 2012, bei einer Befahrung Juli 2012 kein Problem, aber vorsicht Felsen sehr scharfkantig bei NW. Wir hatten absolutes Niedrigwasser. Geschätzte 5-10 cbm
 #1378 • 27.07.2013 10:00 •
Fahrverbot wegen Felssturz (und möglich weiteren) gegen Ende der Schlucht (stand 11.8.2009)

(siehe http://www.kajaktour.de/var.htm)
 #1018 • 06.05.2012 13:15 •
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
Pegel http://www.rdbrmc.com/hydroreel2/station.php?codestation=679

Pegel geschätzt

NW = 40 m3/s
MW = 60 m3/s
HW = 80 m3/s
 #1016 • 06.05.2012 13:12 •

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