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Brenta: Spot Valstagna
III 0 km direct
Brenta @ Barzizza 132 cm @ 23:00
72 | 78 .. 90 | 110 cm

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After some abundant rainfalls in August 2023, and after the Brenta Rodeo event, the playspot works BEST within the 78-90 range. Above it's high and unstable, but rideable up until 110 max. Below 78 it's low and wouldn't recommend to ride with carbon boats.
 #5498 • 06.09.2023 12:25 •
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
90-95 basso (sotto ai 90 e fino a 85 è "utilizzabile", ma si forma un brutto gorgo alla sinistra orografica che lo rende irregolare e può anche diventare pericoloso, e non si possono assolutamente caricare i loop e le figure aeree in generale)

95-105 medio, bellissimo al momento

105-115 alto, bello, bisogna avere esperienza per stare dentro e fare più trick
 #5388 • 21.07.2023 18:57 •
Beautiful long ride, approx 2h or 2.5hrs if you play a bit. There's water all year round, on the most popular bit of river that runs between San Gaetano and Campolongo sul Brenta (zoom on the map, you'll find it).

You can leave your car at landing right under the Restaurant Contarini in Campolongo sul Brenta, there's plenty of parking, and drive with a second car up to San Gaetano (approx 15 mins drive).

Ideally for pure tourism (pre-intermediate paddlers) the level should be between 90cm and 120cm (II grade), above these levels best to have some more experience (III grade). I've paddled the Brenta at 170, and that was still ok for me, but I'm not a very expert paddler yet.

 #4496 • 28.07.2021 13:25 •

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