
Aufgehobene Einträge ganz ausblenden und nur aktuelle zeigen.

Taverone: Comano - Crespiano
III-IV 2.98 km direct
Taverone @ Licciana Nardi 111 cm @ 03:50
80 | 90 .. 110 | 120 cm (Indirect calibration!)

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Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Licciana Nardi is indirect: a long way downstream of the take-out and below several important tributaries.
If the gauge is already on the low side and going down: this section is likely already dry/too low.
If the gauge is medium or high and increasing: this section is likely flooding.
Always be mindful of where the gauge is located.
 #5587 • 09.11.2023 17:41 •
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
Run 31/10/2023 at 80cm, level going down. This was too low, maybe better to check the Upper Taverone instead.
 #5572 • 06.11.2023 08:39 •

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