
Aufgehobene Einträge ganz ausblenden und nur aktuelle zeigen.

Graveglia: Orrido di Pian di Fieno - Frisolino
IV 2.96 km direct
Graveglia @ Caminata 41 cm @ 12:45
65 | 75 cm

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Resultate 1 - 2 von 2

Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Carasco is indirect: on the Entella river, a very long way downstream of the take-out and below several important tributaries.
If the gauge is already on the low side and going down: this section is likely already dry/too low.
If the gauge is medium or high and increasing: this section is likely flooding.
Always be mindful of where the gauge is located.
 #5593 • 09.11.2023 17:50 •
Run 3/11/2023 at 210cm. We aborted the run after 1km after second riverwide tree. Portage very difficult at river level. Inspection from the road showed more trees in the lower part. Watch out! Team Nirjhara
 #5575 • 06.11.2023 08:45 •

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