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Sermenza: Fervento - Boccioleto
V (X,X) 2.9 km direct
Sesia @ Campertogno 68 cm @ 16:00
? | ? cm (Indirect calibration!)

Karte | Wetter, Verkehr, ... | Einen neuen Eintrag erfassen

Resultate 1 - 3 von 3

Gefahr | 65 cm | 03.05.2019
The fourth rapid in the first gorge has changed drastically and is now probably UNRUNNABLE. The rapid used to be: small drop (0.5m) into larger drop (1.5m) on the river-left into a slide towards the right wall of the canyon. The last slide has changed and is now a very dangerous SYPHON (all the water flows underneath the left wall). Please scout the next time you run this section. Stay safe! Cheers

 #3245 • 08.05.2019 11:17 •
 #2068 • 19.05.2016 18:40 •
Nach Kraftwerk, Schlucht, Wasser kraftwerkabhängig (ca. nach 11Uhr)

 #356 • 08.06.2010 02:46 •

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