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Sesia: Mollia - Mollia
IV-V (V+) 0.47 km direct
Sesia @ Campertogno 72 cm @ 11:30
? | ? cm

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We ran it on the 12/07/16 with 60 cm. It’s interesting to take out at Campertogno.
Be careful when you scout the first rapid, scouting it from the bridge makes the rapids less impressive than in reality. And particularly for the last hole which is very boily and sticky.
At the exit of the gorge there are two recirculating stoppers. If there is a high water level it could be very difficult to secure the first one.
 #2186 • 21.07.2016 19:53 •
Einstieg nach (VI), abseilen der Boote, wuchtige, enge Schwälle, dann enge 1m-Stufe, rechts fahren und absichern, da auch bei NW kräftiger Rücklauf, grad darauf schräger 3m-Fall, rechts fahren, mittig Rücklauf
 #336 • 08.06.2010 02:07 •

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