
Aufgehobene Einträge ganz ausblenden und nur aktuelle zeigen.

Mistra: Balstadmistersætra - Renåskarven
III (III+) 5.81 km direct
Mistra @ Mistra bru 39.32 m³/s @ 00:00
12 | 30 | 50 m³/s

Karte | Wetter, Verkehr, ... | Einen neuen Eintrag erfassen

Resultate 1 - 1 von 1

This section only makes sense to be run when you continue and run the gorge as well. Finding the TakeOut from the boat is almost impossible, so you would need to scout it before your run - and getting to the river and back up is very exhausting.

Of course, when this section has enough water, the gorge will be quite difficult.
 #3538 • 12.08.2019 11:41 •

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