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Bernauer Alb: Poche, Bernau - St. Blasien
III (IV) 10.2 km direct
Hauensteiner Alb @ St. Blasien 37 cm @ 03:45
80 | 110 | 140 cm (Indirect calibration!)

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We did this one on 15-12-2023 at about 150cm. Got in at the Spitzenberg skilift, big parking space. From here to Bruno Kaiser Holzbau this is a continuous little stream with very few eddies and lots of birch branches. Downstream from Bruno, the river enters the forest; picks up some more waterflow and widens a bit. There’s a 50cm high, man made weir that can be portaged on the right at this level. After a sharp left bend, followed by a 50m splash of actual whitewater and a sharp right turn there’s a drop and a hole that needs a nice boof if you don’t want to end up under the undercut rock on river right. Best to stop in the (fairly big for this river) eddy on river right before the sharp left bend and climb the steep bank a bit to inspect and possibly portage. Before you get in again though, inspect the drop at the end of this small gorge section; there’s a small 1m high drop there with a huge eddy on river right. After this action you can get back to avoiding branches again. Due to this still being in the forest; we had to portage twice in the section that followed thanks to trees blocking the river. The portages were a bit ‘involved’; one requiring a mid-stream seal launch from the huge tree blocking the way. Once you’re clear of the forest the Menzdenschwamnder Alb joins from river left, the river widens and it’s all just boogey water up until St. Blasien. Get out on river right just before the weir in midtown. Takeout is just after the church, across from the bakery, next to the campervan parking spaces. If you don’t stop here and drop down the weir you’ll get to enjoy the Tusculum Waterfall, which a local told us was ‘not a waterfall, just a water turbine’ (inspect beforehand and decide for yourself… All in all a nice little ‘adventure’ that would absolutely suck if not for the perfect little boof into the big eddy at the end of the ‘gorge’. Remember not to run any corners blind but inspect if needed (wood!) This section is mostly class II going up to class III (maybe one IV) in the forest. Or, canyon style grading: V3A2III. Not for beginners; they’ll loose an eye or die under a tree.
 #5658 • 16.12.2023 02:07 •

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