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Vésubie: Roquebillière - Lantosque
IV+ 4.1 km direct
Vésubie @ Utelle [Pont du Cros] 120 cm @ 03:00
? | ? cm

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Resultate 1 - 5 von 5

Gefahr vorübergehend
local goverment has just banned kayaking on vesubie tinee roya and lower var after devastating flood for a period of one year while damage is repaired
 #4081 • 28.01.2021 16:26 •
If the water at the put-in is to low, you can check alternate at Market Roquebillière. It is a power station ther with water release.
 #3999 • 08.11.2020 11:45 •
 #1024 • 06.05.2012 13:26 •
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
Pegel: http://www.rdbrmc.com/hydroreel2/station.php?codestation=685

NW = 32 cm
MW = 50 cm
HW = 70 cm
 #1023 • 06.05.2012 13:26 •

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