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Plessur: Langwies - Molinis
IV-V 3.79 km direct
Plessur @ Chur 9.85 m³/s @ 10:00
8 | 10 | 15 m³/s

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Resultate 1 - 5 von 5

today, at 13m3, 3h, nice medium level, very fast, few trees, holes not very sticky but absolute no swim zone. only two portages because of trees, one 1min and the other 10min towards the end. creek changes shape all the time and the satellite images give very little information.
 #3720 • 09.05.2020 17:45 •
Gefahr vorübergehend | 14 m³/s | 06.07.2019
Es hat immerno viel Holz wir haben 2 Stellen wegen Stämmen direkt über Wasser

 #3480 • 06.07.2019 18:23 •
3h, Super steep alpin style, very fast, eddies are small and unusual. Be carefull with the trees. It's not realy a gorge but the road is very far, so after the put in, the only way to get out is by going downstream. At the end there is a small path on the left
 #2476 • 08.06.2017 14:35 •
Gefahr vorübergehend | 9 m³/s | 10.04.2011
Diverse Baumhindernisse im Fluss. Teilweise gut, teilweise nicht so
gut vom Boot aus sichtbar.
 #578 • 01.06.2011 07:35 •
 #191 • 06.05.2010 18:57 •

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